Top ten ways an improviser might dump a luv-ah
Improvisation News, February 2010

By Kari Milchman 
Meet Market. Get it? As in the dating scene is a meat market where you meet people. Clever, huh? This interactive game, performed by eight single improvisers, allows the viewers to wear the pants. All those idiosyncrasies and neuroses that make you so loveable (or so dump-able) can now be projected onto the characters at the audience’s whim. Better yet, the audience gets to decide who dates whom. Think of all the pain and suffering you could cause for your own amusement. What safer way to get out all your dating hostility? It’s like therapy, but for only seven bucks a session. So whether you’re one half of a couple and are feeling like prime rib, or you’ve just been dumped and feel more like chopped liver, Meet Market reminds you why we dare to date in the first place: It’s better to have loved and lost than to wind up an 89-year-old virgin with 47 cats each named after the 31 flavors of ice cream that make up your 240 pound a**."

Nominated : Most Innovative Comedy Show or Group
Improvisation News, February 2010